How to Reduce Draughts in Your Home

How to Reduce Draughts in Your Home

Seal Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are common culprits for draughts. Inspect them for gaps and apply weatherstripping or caulk to seal any openings. For windows, consider using draft excluders or thermal curtains, which provide an additional barrier against the cold.


Insulate Your Home

Proper insulation is key to keeping draughts at bay. Check your attic, walls, and floors for insulation gaps. Adding insulation not only reduces draughts but also helps regulate indoor temperature, leading to energy savings in the long run.


Use Draught Excluders

Draught excluders, also known as draft stoppers, are inexpensive yet effective tools to block draughts at the bottom of doors. You can buy these or make your own using old fabric and filling materials like rice or beans.


Install Door Sweeps

Door sweeps are metal or plastic strips that attach to the bottom of doors, creating a seal against draughts. They are easy to install and significantly reduce the amount of cold air that enters your home.


Repair and Seal Cracks

Inspect your walls, ceilings, and floors for any visible cracks. Use filler materials like caulk or expanding foam to seal these gaps, preventing draughts from seeping through.


Upgrade Your Home’s Insulation

Consider investing in high-quality insulation materials such as spray foam or rigid foam boards. While it may require a higher initial investment, the long-term energy savings and increased comfort make it a worthwhile endeavour.


Maintain Your HVAC System

Regularly service your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to ensure it operates efficiently. A well-maintained system not only keeps your home warm but also reduces the need for constant adjustments, minimizing the chances of draughts.


Use Window Insulation Film

Window insulation film is a cost-effective solution to reduce draughts. It forms an additional layer of insulation on windows, trapping heat inside and keeping cold air out. Installation is simple and can make a noticeable difference in your home’s warmth.


Consider Thermal Blinds or Shades

Thermal blinds or shades are designed to trap heat and prevent draughts. They act as a barrier, providing an extra layer of insulation for windows. These specialized window coverings are an excellent addition to your draught-reducing efforts.


Regularly Check and Maintain

Draught-proofing your home is an ongoing process. Regularly inspect your doors, windows, and insulation for signs of wear and tear. Replace weatherstripping or seals as needed to ensure their effectiveness over time.


By taking these steps to reduce draughts in your home, you’ll not only enjoy a cozier living space but also lower energy bills and a reduced environmental impact. Embrace these practical solutions, and say goodbye to those pesky draughts, welcoming a warm and inviting home environment all year round.

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